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Children have an innate curiosity to learn new skills and an enthusiasm to understand the world by engaging their senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. At the Paediatric Oncology Department of Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Bangalore, children are encouraged to participate in learning activities that are fun, educational and creative.

The department conducted a clay modelling activity on 4th September 2021 for the children currently undergoing treatment for childhood cancers. This gave an opportunity for the children to learn about colours, engage their tactile senses and distract their minds from the discomfort of their illness and treatment.

We are pleased to share the pictures of the impressive clay art made by our children.


At Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, we believe that oral health and hygiene plays a very important role in the comprehensive management of cancer. On occasion of National Oral Hygiene Day, we share with you the importance of oral health care in cancer treatment.

Dental Oncology forms an integral part of cancer care. The dental oncologist manages the oral health issues of a patient before, during and after anti neoplastic therapies in order to provide the maximum benefits in terms of functional and aesthetic outcomes. The goal of oral care is to prevent infections, treat oral pain and manage dental issues during cancer treatment.

Dental abscess during cancer treatment can lead to potentially fatal infections, which makes dental care a crucial factor in improving the overall outcomes of cancer patients. During the last 21 years of my experience, I have observed that the disconnect between dentistry and medicine has contributed to the slow-paced improvement in oral cancer statistics. It is my opinion that interactions between dentists and oncologists need improvement in many countries, including India.

During cancer treatment, dentist can ensure a healthy oral cavity. Early identification and management of oral side effects from treatment, such as mucositis, infection and bleeding of the gums, permits better uptake of treatment and impacts the prognosis. In particular, treatment of oral complications from radiotherapy to the head & neck and after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation have historically shown to improve patients’ wellbeing.

We believe that every individual should be aware of the standard protocols followed for dental care so that we are all better equipped to seek care and most importantly, follow preventive measures.

Below is a brief list of oral health care protocol followed at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre to ensure the best care to all our patients.

For more details regarding oral hygiene and dental treatment at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore, Call: 080-26981000 / 080- 46484401

Blog Post by

Dr. Sudha Sah , Dental Surgeon

Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery


Neuro navigation guided craniotomy at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore.

In a village in Chikkamagalur district, a 65 year old farmer was suffering from frequent headaches, shooting pain in his left hand and left leg. Soon, he started losing sensation in his left limbs but he was too scared to go to a hospital during the COVID 19 pandemic, besides, he was worried about finding safe transportation during the lockdown. When the pain became unbearable, he told his family about the issue and his daughter urged him to see a doctor.

As soon as the lockdown ended, they travelled to Bangalore, where an MRI scan was done and it was revealed that he had a tumour in his brain, possibly arising from the lining tissue of the brain. The family was now very worried and then contacted their physician relative, who referred him to Dr. Praveen K S, Consultant Neurosurgeon at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore.

After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Praveen explained to the patient that the tumour would be carefully removed with the help of a sophisticated technology called Neuro Navigation.

In simple words, neuro-navigation is like a GPS for the brain. Using imaging scans, the computer guides the surgeon to the exact location of the tumour.

Computer guidance - neuro navigation at Shankara Cancer Hospital, Bangalore
Brain - GPS at Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore

According to Dr. Praveen K.S, Consultant Neurosurgeon at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore, this technology had several benefits in this case,

  1. Accurately localised on the surface, such a small tumour in eloquent area

  2. Limited the size of the craniotomy (removal of a portion of the skull to access the brain) to the bare minimum of 4cm

  3. Minimising blood loss and unnecessary exposure of brain

  4. Confirming total excision by mapping the cavity at the end

  5. Patient improved to complete neurological function on day 1!

Operation Theatre with Neuro Navigation Brain Surgery at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and Research Centre Bangalore
Surgery in Progress

The patient was discharged on post operative Day 4 and is expected to have an uneventful road to recovery!

Brain tumour removal made simple at Sri Shankara Cancer Hospitala and Research Centre, Bangalore
Post Op Day 1 - patient fully alert and has regained movement and sensation in his limbs.

Just before discharge, the patient said

“When we heard about brain tumour or brain surgery, we got extremely scared. I had sleepless nights for an entire week. But, as soon as we came to Shankara Cancer Hospital and met Dr. Praveen, 80% of our worries went away. I had never imagined that I will have brain surgery and walk out of the hospital in 4 days, feeling like a completely healthy and normal person!”

To know more about the facilities at Shankara Cancer Hospital, click here.


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9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

 Mon - Sat

(Availability of doctors may vary, please confirm appointment timings by calling the designated numbers )


  • 080 26981124

  • 080 46484424

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  • 7090521000 (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

  • 080-26981000 

  • 080-46484444

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